When it comes to publishing, especially independent publishing, money is always an issue.
Hiring an editor, cover designer, and layout designer (let alone funding a marketing campaign!) is not cheap by any means.
One option more and more authors are considering is crowd funding their books.
My podcast, Ottawa Writes, recently had two episodes specifically focused on crowd-funding.
Author Catherine Brunelle, my Ottawa Writes co-host, has now put together an excellent video series providing advice and tips for writers regarding how to put together a successful crowd funding campaign. If anyone would know how to do it, it’s Catherine; the campaign for her novel Claire Never-Ending smashed its goal in a single day!
Check out the video now:
Crowd funding is something I’ve expressed trepidations about in the past, but the more I learn from Catherine about this exciting new method of producing books, the more I consider throwing my hat into the crowd funding ring.
What about you?
Kevin T. Johns is an author, podcast host, and creative writing instructor. His young adult horror novel, The Page Turners: Blood (The Page Turners Trilogy Book 1) is on sale now.
Catherine Brunelle is the Ottawa based author of the literary fiction novel, Claire Never-Ending. Learn more about Catherine’s work at www.catherinebrunelle.com
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