But can list building work for FICTION authors??

Want help marketing your book and author brand via blogging, guest blogging, and list building? Join writing coach Kevin T. Johns and blogging coach Jenna Dalton for a free webinar this week where you'll discover how to grow an email list of 1000+ raving fans (so that you can get published and boost book sales!)  

Earlier this week I posted an article, “The EXACT Day You MUST Start Marketing Your Book“, which outlined a simple and yet startlingly effective four-step strategy for marketing your book:

1. Audience attraction via blogging and guest blogging.

2. Enticement onto your email list via a valuable free offer.

3. Relationship development with your audience via delivery of value over time.

4. Sale of your book to your audience once trust and value has been established.

Of course, even a simple four-step system is never as simple as we would like it to be, and questions inevitably arise.

I’m guessing the number one question that came to your mind was… yeah, but does it work for FICTION?!

It’s a fair question.

Non-fiction authors generally help their readers to solve specific problems; a process that naturally lends itself to helpful blog posts.

Fiction authors, on the other hand, provide something totally different to their audience, usually entertainment.

Given those differing circumstances, can a fiction author attract an audience via blogging and building an email list, and then increase their book sales via that email list in the same way that a non-ficton author can?

To answer that question, let’s look to Hugh Howey.

Howey is the author of the self-published dystopian Silo saga.

The company behind Howey’s book marketing and author platform  is the marketing firm Out:think.

Out:think’s founder is Tim Grahl.

tims bookIn addition to running Out:think, Grahl is also the author of Your First 1000 Copies: The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book, a non-fiction book in which he outlines his ‘Connection Systems’ for book marketing.

Throughout the book, Grahl repeatedly stresses the message that building an email list is the most important strategy any author can implement to help sell books (and that includes fiction authors).

As such, list building is undoubtedly the strategy Grahl uses with his own clients, including fiction authors like Hugh Howey.

So how did this list building approach work out for Hugh?

Well, his book Wool currently has 10,000 customer reviews on Amazon.

Ten…FREAKING…thousand reviews!!!

Oh, and the book has been optioned by superstar film director Ridley Scott and is being adapted into a big budget Hollywood film.

So yeah, list building seems to work pretty darn well for fiction authors too.

That’s why I urge you to attend the webinar blogging coach Jenna Dalton and I are hosting this week: How to Grow an Email List of 1000+ Raving Fans (So You Can Get Published and Boost Book Sales!).

On the webinar, we’re going to cover:

  • Why building an email list is so important for new – and even established – authors
  • The crucial steps you need to take to grow your email list as quickly as possible without spending a ton of time and money building it
  • The key strategy Jenna uses again and again to get 100+ subscribers at one time (it’s what helped her double her email list in less than 3 months)

We’re not going to be sending out a replay of this live event, so in order to make sure everyone who wants to attend is able to, we are going to deliver the presentation Wednesday AND Thursday evening this week.



Click here to choose the time that is most convenient for you.

I look forward to seeing you on the webinar!

Want help marketing your book and author brand via blogging, guest blogging, and list building? Join writing coach Kevin T. Johns and blogging coach Jenna Dalton for a free webinar this week where you'll discover how to grow an email list of 1000+ raving fans (so that you can get published and boost book sales!)  

Grow an Email List