As I type this, we’re one week into National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).
If you’re lucky, things went great for you during this first week and you’re on-track to achieving your NaNo goals.
For a vast majority of people, however, something happened that served as a set-back. If you’re in this later group, right now is a great opportunity to remind yourself that things rarely go according to plan.
When working with my clients as a writing coach, this topic is something we return to often in our discussions regarding creating and sticking to a regular writing schedule. The idea that there is going to be a “perfect month” or even a “perfect week” where everything goes exactly according to plan is unrealistic. It just never happens like that. Life always gets in the way… but that’s okay.
You’re going to get sick. You’re car is going to break down. A relative is going to come to visit. Things are going to get crazy busy at your day job. As a writer who is setting goals and working to achieve them, you’re going to have to learn to roll with the punches life throws your way.
If you’re struggling with illness, put writing on hold until you’re feeling well. Adding the stress of writing on top of the pressure of illness isn’t going to help make you healthier, nor move you any closer to achieving your writing goals. Focus on getting well, and then return to your writing once you’re healthy again.
There will be some catch-up to do, but that’s just life.
It would be wonderful if we could all simply write 1700 words every day for the month of November, but that’s rarely the case. Life is a rollercoaster ride and the track before us is almost impossible to predict.
You’re going to miss planned writing days. At times, things will go off-course. Unexpected distractions are going to arise. We all have healthy periods, as well as periods of illness.
Rather than get stressed out or become discouraged by unexpected challenges, try to anticipate delays and distractions in the road ahead, deal with them when they arise, and then get back on-track towards pursuing your goals.
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