There are just a few days left to enroll in my latest training and coaching program, Writer’s Craft Academy INTENSIVE (WCAI).
That means, as with every launch I’ve ever done, I’m getting all kinds of emails from people saying some version of the following:
“Kevin, I’d love to join the program, BUT…”
Take a moment and try to guess what follows the “but” in that sentence.
I’ll give you a hint: it’s the same excuse I hear every time I launch a new training or coaching program.
You’d probably think it’s related to money, right?
Maybe something along the lines of:
“Kevin, I’d love to join the program, but… I just don’t have the money.”
Money is not the issue.
Most of the people I interact with are creative and intelligent writers and aspiring authors who understand what I offer as a writing coach is well worth the money being asked.
Rather, the email I see time and time again goes something like this:
“Kevin, I’d love to join the program, but I just don’t have the time.”
Yup, time.
That’s the reason most people don’t join. They just don’t have the time.
I get it.
You’re busy.
Too busy to dedicate time to your writing.
Too busy to put your hopes and dreams ahead of the drudgery of everyday life.
Too busy to dedicate 90 days to set a foundation you can then build your dreams upon.
That’s fine.
It’s a very common response, and I hear it all the time.
And it tells me something about you.
It tells me WCAI isn’t for you… because this program is for people who are ready to MAKE the time.
The ten unique writers who join WCAI are going to be the type of people who understand sacrifice, hard work, and perseverance.
And they aren’t any less busy than the rest of us.
In fact, they’re probably busier than most people, because they are the type of person who sets goals and then pursues them with all their heart.
They are the type of people who won’t let anything stand in the way of achieving their creative goals.
Take a moment to think about your favourite book. The one that changed your life forever.
I promise you, the author didn’t write that book because they happened to have the time to write.
They were able to create that book because they MADE the time to write.
That’s what great writers do.
They say “No” to most things, so that they can say “Yes” to mastering their craft.
If you’re one of the select few willing to say “Yes,” I encourage you to join Writer’s Craft Academy INTENSIVE now.
There is never going to be enough extra time.
So make the time.