Discover How to Write a Book Readers Will Love – Without Succumbing to the Frustration, Confusion, or Burnout that Consumes Most Aspiring Authors
If you want to turn your dream of writing a book into reality using a proven step-by-step blueprint, read on to learn about this powerful training program
From: Kevin T. Johns, Ottawa, Ontario
Dear Aspiring Author,
Have you wondered what it would be like to write and publish a hit novel?
I mean, you grew up loving books, right?
You’ve got shelves full of them.
(And probably a Kindle with a few hundred more on it...)
Maybe you even studied journalism, communications, or English literature at University or College.
You're passionate about literature.
You know you have a story to share with the world.
And yet you just can’t ever seem to get your novel written...
So... what can you do to change that?

Learn How to Write with the Confidence and Joy of a Best Selling Author
What if you could write with the same focus & joy as your favorite authors?
What if you could write your book swiftly and confidently without getting “lost in the weeds” or getting overwhelmed by the massive complexity of it all?
Well, I know for a fact you CAN do it… because I’ve done it myself.
I’ve written and published over half a dozen books in the last few years alone – including novels, non-fiction, and even a children’s picture book.
I’ve ghostwritten books for top entrepreneurs.
I’ve had the pleasure of teaching hundreds of authors from all around the world.
I moderate panels at conventions, and interview celebrity-authors on my podcasts.
I do live readings at schools, teach workshops at Universities, and even get paid to give talks to groups like the Canadian Authors Association.
I’m actively living the literary life I always dreamed of… but it wasn’t always that way.

Writing coaching Kevin T. Johns speaking at a Canadian Authors Association Event
I Spent 8 Long (& Painful!) Years Writing My First Novel

After graduating from University, I immediately started work on my first book.
The novel I'd started writing nearly a decade earlier was still incomplete.
Somewhere along the way, my life had gone totally off-track.
I'd always been a creative person... yet I was working a soul-crushing job devoid of creativity and excitement.
My unfinished manuscript began to feel like an embarrassing ball & chain I would forever drag around behind me.
No matter how hard I worked, the story and the writing never seemed good enough.
It always felt like one step forwards, two steps back.
I knew there HAD to be a better way to write a novel.
The Key to Productivity and Writing Success
I spent 8 years stumbling my way along, trying to figure things out on my own through trial and error.
And the truth is...
I spent a lot of that time staring at a blank page waiting for inspiration to strike.
I had to learn the hard way that waiting for inspiration is NOT how modern professional writers go about approaching their craft…
There are foundational principles and essential skill-sets that, when developed and used properly, make writing a novel so much EASIER.
What it takes to write a successful novel is NOT a mystery.
I had just failed to seek out the help I needed.
Are You Making This Mistake?
Novel writing is a long, grueling, and lonely process.
One recent study showed that 81% of people want to write a book, yet few ever do.
Most people burn out, give up, or never get started to begin with.
Even people who devour books, love literature, and have a background in writing find they are unable to complete and sell a novel, despite their best efforts.
There is actually a shockingly simple answer as to why this happens on such a predictably frequent basis:
Few People Are Ever Taught How to Write a Book
Thinking you'll suddenly be able to write a novel just because you love books and write well isn't realistic.
We all love to eat... but that doesn't mean we could cook a five-course meal for a 20 person dinner party without ever taking a single cooking class.
Education, skill-acquisition, and discipline are essential elements of success in most fields, including creative writing.
Best-selling authors like Stephen King are able to produce a new hit book year after year.
Pros like King are able to do this because they have established the tools, processes, and systems necessary to allow them to work productively and consistently produce novels that readers love.
You're about to discover how these same tools, processes, and systems can work for you.

Perfect for the First-time Novelist
The Novel Writer’s Blueprint is perfect for the first-time novelist who wants a picture of the road ahead before launching onto the journey. And seasoned novelists will find a few tips of use as well.Charlotte Rains Dixon
author and blogger
A Map for How to Make My Dream a Reality
If you want to pursue a writing life, get The Novel Writer’s Blueprint. It includes realistic, concrete methods for transforming your ideas into reality. I started looking at my writing in a new, exciting way. It isn't just a dream anymore because I now have a plan and a map for how make my dream a reality. Kevin teaches with humor, compassion, encouragement and a huge dose of realism. I recommend this course without hesitation. Join so you can go write your book too!Laura Morano
course student
This Will Put You On Track
The Novel Writer’s Blueprint is great for aspiring authors. This will put you on track and get you going in writing your first or second, or third, novel.Gillian Davis
course student
Are You Ready to Totally Transform Your Writing?
This is the moment of truth.
Do you have a story within you the world needs to hear?
Are you passionate about writing and ready to get your story onto the page?
Do you want to write with confidence and joy?
If you've answered “YES!” then continue reading...
...because I’m about to offer you the same transformation I went through.
Remember: I've been where you are now.
I’ve struggled to get my story written.
I’ve felt lost and confused.
I’ve questioned myself and my abilities as a writer.
But that's all in the past...

I now write with the confidence, speed, and joy that comes with using the templates, formulas, and systems proven to work.
I'm about to show you how to overcome confusion, erase self-doubt, and transform yourself from an aspiring author into a productive and successful published novelist.

The Novel Writer's Blueprint Masterclass
A step-by-Step System for Creating and Completing Your First Book

The Novel Writer's Blueprint is an online course for authors.
It will walk you through the entire novel writing process... from initial idea creation through to completed manuscript.
You'll discover writing methods proven to increase confidence and productivity...
And formulas that consistently produce books that make agents, publishers, and readers fall in love with your story.
When you join The Novel Writer's Blueprint today, you'll get instant access to our exclusive membership site and online novel writing course consisting of 7 easy-to-follow modules.
Homework assignments, links to additional resources, and bonus material make for an interactive and exciting learning environment that will stimulate creativity and supercharge productivity.
Click the link below to get started:
Module 1: Mindset
In Module 1: Mindset, we'll explore how, instead of spending years ascertaining what works on your own through trial and error, you can learn quickly by modelling what massively successful artists have already proven works.
In Module 1, you'll discover:
- How to banish writer’s block forever.
- How the scientific method can be applied to the writing process.
- The importance of modeling successful artists and mentors.
- Why using a proven formula to write your book does not mean you’ll produce formulaic art.

Module 2: Genre Selection
In Module 2: Genre Selection, we'll explore how you can avoid wasting creative time and energy by harnessing the power of genre conventions, tropes, and expectations. Long before you come up with the perfect character or plot for your novel, you MUST know your genre inside and out!
In Module 2, you'll discover:
- How to harness the power of genre to please your readers while simultaneously making your creative process infinitely easier.
- Why developing an idea, concept, or premise is NOT where you want to begin.
- Why understanding the “genre cycle” is a critical part of writing your novel.
- The significant (and sometimes career destroying) danger of not living up to reader expectations.

Module 3: Story Structure
In Module 3: Story Structure, you'll learn all about the invisible superstructures underlying all coherent stories and novels. Whether or not your story "works" with readers is totally dependent on whether you are effectively using a proven story structure to organize your plot.
In Module 3, you'll discover:
- Why following an established story structure already proven to work with readers is essential to the success of your novel.
- The story structure best used to build YOUR narrative, be it the Hollywood 3-Act structure or Russian Folklorist Vladimir Propp’s 31 step process!
- How modern writers like Dan Harmon are building on traditional story structure to give it their own unique post-modern twist on television shows like the cult hit "Community".

Module 4: Plotting
In Module 4: Plotting, you'll learn why attempting to plot your novel one scene at a time during the drafting process is the most difficult way to write a book. Instead, you'll discover how the power of a well crafted "beat sheet" can make the writing of a novel dead simple.
In Module 4, you'll discover:
- How to develop your novel’s key scenes and complete the “puzzling process”.
- Why answering “Why don’t they…?” questions is the secret to smooth narrative development.
- The mind-blowing simplicity of developing a Beat Sheet that makes the plotting, organizing, and crafting of your narrative as easy as can be.

Module 5: Skill-Development and Preparation
In Module 5: Skill Development and Preparation, you'll learn the essential prep work that must be completed before you write a novel. The reason most writers fail to complete National Novel Writing Month (or any attempt at a novel for that matter) is because they skip this step. DON'T make the same mistake.
In Module 5, you'll discover:
- How to lay the groundwork for successful writing.
- Why the lessons of elite sports, fitness and nutrition can be applied to art.
- How to use more than a half-dozen different creative exercises to sharpen your writing skills.

Module 6: Drafting
In Module 6: Drafting, you'll see why I call the drafting process "running the marathon". Writing a book is not like crafting a song, or writing a poem. It is a long haul project. If you are going to complete your novel successfully, you'll need to be ready for the ups and down of a prolonged journey.
In Module 6, you'll discover:
- The value of tools & systems to keep you accountable and on-track.
- The role that community plays in the writing of a novel.
- The proper methods for beginning the drafting process, and how to stick with your novel to the end.
- The secret trick successful novelists use to find the time to write each day.

Module 7: The Future is Yours!
By the time you reach Module 7: The Future is Yours, you're going to be a completely new writer. You'll have learned the indispensable skills, knowledge, and frameworks necessary to reach your dreams and transform your writing life.
In our concluding module, you'll discover:
- The F.A.T.E principle, and why the future is in your hands.

This Course WILL Work for YOU (Even if You've Never Attempted to Write a Novel Before)
There are a lot of other online writing courses out that that focus exclusively on the act of writing itself.
The Novel Writer's Blueprint is different. In additional to unparalleled writing craft training, the course addresses the mental and emotional side of novel writing.
From the mindset shifts that need to be made, to ways to organize your work and family life to ensure success, to techniques for staying on track and focused, the course addresses the realities too often ignored in training programs for writers.
Writing a novel is a long project, and without these emotional and mental supports in place, it’s easy for the project to get sidetracked. (Which, by the way, is exactly why there are so many half-written novels out there!)
With the life supports in place, you'll then be able to take advantage of conceptual frameworks of story structure and genre that need to be understood and utilized for a story to work and really grab readers attention and keep them turning pages. When used correctly, these essential weapons in a writer's arsenal produce spectacular results on a consistent basis.
The Novel Writer's Blueprint covers everything a first time author needs to know before writing their first book, from overall global plotting right down to scene creation and character development.
You'll save time and energy by turning the vast project of writing a novel into an organized system that propels you past the struggles that hold back aspiring authors.

Kevin T. Johns unboxing the proof copy of his very first novel. How long until this is YOU?
Act Now to Get these Special FREE Bonuses that Will Supercharge Your Learning Experience
Free Bonus #1

One-on-One Coaching Session
When you enroll in The Novel Writer's Blueprint you'll be able to book a FREE one-on-one coaching session with writing coach, Kevin T. Johns.
We'll discuss your unique situation and develop a strategic plan that will keep you focused and on track to achieving your goals. ($100 value)

Free Bonus #2

The Novel Writer’s Blueprint Ebook
In addition to access to the online course, when you enroll in The Novel Writer's Blueprint today, you'll receive a complimentary copy of The Novel Writer's Blueprint ebook.
You'll be able to download the book in PDF, mobi, and epub format, so that you can have the convenience of reading the book on your Kindle, Kobo, computer, phone, tablet, or other preferred e-reading device.

Free Bonus #3

The Novel Writer’s Blueprint Workbook
In this printable PDF workbook, you’ll complete The Novel Writer’s Blueprint’s homework assignments after watching each video module.
In doing so, you’re going find that your novel will begin to write itself… while you’re taking the course!

Free Bonus #4

The Novel Writer’s Blueprint Online Guide
This is my personal list of blog articles and online resources for writers, curated to assist in the drafting of my novels and courses. The Guide includes hundreds (!) of tips to improve your writing as well as information on publishing, editing, and book marketing.

Free Bonus #5

Create Space Over the Shoulder Tutorial
In this “over the shoulder" bonus video you’ll learn the entire process for uploading and publishing a paperback copy of your book using Amazon’s brilliant print-on-demand service, Create Space.
Don’t let annoying technical details delay the publishing of your book or distract you from your writing. Just follow along with this video and publish your book to Amazon in under an hour!

Free Bonus #6

How to Find the Time to Write (Even if You Have a Full-Time Job)
This video recording of my most popular webinar will teach you the methods and tools you need to carve out the time in your busy schedule to get your writing done. You'll learn:
1. How to use time-management techniques to immediately SKY-ROCKET your daily word count.
2. The systems and templates that will allow you to carve out time for writing, even if your schedule is currently booked solid!
3. The absolute BEST productivity software and tools for productive writers.
4. And so much more!

Free Bonus #7

Private Facebook Group
Along with access to our membership site, you'll be invited to join our private Facebook group, available only to Blueprint students.
Asks questions, get support, and develop friendships with authors going through the course alongside you.

Convenient Course Schedule Fits Your Busy Lifestyle
The Novel Writer's Blueprint is an online course.
That means when you enroll today you will get immediate access to the course material.
The video format and assignments allow a work-at-your-own pace schedule.
You will be able to move through the course as methodically or swiftly as you wish!

I Finished the Course Better Equipped to Pursue My Writing
Kevin, your level of passion in all subject matter was refreshing, and your delivery of the material was excellent. Most importantly, I finished the course better equipped to pursue my writing with greater preparedness.Alan Fleming
course student
This Course Calmed My Nerves and Made Me Realize I CAN Accomplish This
I really enjoyed the course. It made the task of achieving my dream to become a published writer seem a lot easier. I have always had ideas for novels in my head, but cringed at the prospect of the ‘blank page’ and never got around to starting them. This course calmed my nerves and made me realize I CAN accomplish this.Brittany Gerris
course student

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
I am completely committed to helping you achieve your writing goals and get results from this course that well exceed the investment.
That’s why I guarantee that The Blueprint will work for you.
I personally promise you’ll finish the course more knowledgeable about your craft, better focused on your novel, and overflowing with motivation to get your book written.
If you watch the videos and do the assignments and don’t see these results, I’ll happily refund you your money.
Important: I require that you submit your completed homework before I refund you. I know that if you take action and apply this program, you WILL get results. And if you do the program assignments and you don’t see a return on your efforts… then let me know within 30 days of your purchase and I’ll be happy to return your investment.
If you put in the work, I know you will achieve your dreams.

***Risk-Free Enrollment Form***
“Yes, Kevin, I’m ready to transform my writing”
When I get The Novel Writer's Blueprint Masterclass, I will receive:
- Instant access to all 7 modules of The Novel Writer's Blueprint Masterclass
- Bonus #1 :One-on-One Personal Coaching Session with writing coach Kevin T. John ($100 value)
- Bonus #2: The Novel Writer’s Blueprint ebook (in pdf, epub, and mobi formats)
- Bonus #3: The Novel Writer's Blueprint Workbook (downloadable/printable PDF)
- Bonus #4: The Novel Writer's Blueprint Online Guide (downloadable/printable PDF)
- Bonus #5: How to Publish with Create Space Tutorial (free "over the shoulder" video)
- Bonus #6: How to Find the Time to Write: Even if You Have a Full-Time Job (free training video)
- Bonus #7: Access to the Blueprint Private Facebook Community
I understand that I'm investing in The Novel Writer's Blueprint Masterclass, and that it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee from writing coach Kevin T. Johns.
Which payment option would you like? Click one option now:

Is this Going to be the Year You Finally Write a Book and Launch Your Career as an Author?
You’ve read this far… that means you’re serious about investing in your career as an author.
Even if you only sell your books for $10 each... you’ll make back your investment in the course after just 30 book sales!
You’ll easily be able to do that selling just to friends and family alone!
But I know you're going to sell a LOT more than just 30 copies of your book.
Because you have something special inside of you
And you owe it to the world to get that story written.
Publishing a book isn’t just about changing your life, or even changing the lives of your readers. It’s about changing the world. That’s the power of art! Words on a page have started revolutions. They have saved lives and defined cultures.
This is your chance to actively shape the world you live in via your unique artistic vision.
Art matters. Stories matter. And all I can say is that I sincerely hope The Novel Writer’s Blueprint Masterclass can help bring your story into fruition.
I’m here to help you, and The Blueprint is ready for you to join.
Now it’s up to you.
And listen… here’s the truth about success: it’s not about who was born with the most talent or who has the best life conditions. It’s about who wants it the most.
So… how badly do you want this to be the year you write a great novel?
Join The Novel Writer’s Blueprint Masterclass now.
I’ll see you inside our private membership site, and I’ll be in touch shortly to schedule your free one-on-one coaching session.
I look forward to learning more about you and your novel.
Your pal in writing,
Kevin T. Johns, author and writing coach
***Risk-Free Enrollment Form***
“Yes, Kevin, I’m ready to transform my writing”
When I get The Novel Writer's Blueprint Masterclass, I will receive:
- Instant access to all 7 modules of The Novel Writer's Blueprint Masterclass
- Bonus #1 :One-on-One Personal Coaching Session with writing coach Kevin T. John ($100 value)
- Bonus #2: The Novel Writer’s Blueprint ebook (in pdf, epub, and mobi formats)
- Bonus #3: The Novel Writer's Blueprint Workbook (downloadable/printable PDF)
- Bonus #4: The Novel Writer's Blueprint Online Guide (downloadable/printable PDF)
- Bonus #5: How to Publish with Create Space Tutorial (free "over the shoulder" video)
- Bonus #6: How to Find the Time to Write: Even if You Have a Full-Time Job (free training video)
- Bonus #7: Access to the Blueprint Private Facebook Community
I understand that I'm investing in The Novel Writer's Blueprint Masterclass, and that it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee from writing coach Kevin T. Johns.
Which payment option would you like? Click one option now: