The EXACT day you MUST start marketing your book

In this post, I’m going to tell you the exact day that you need to start marketing your book.

But first, let’s be clear about something: marketing and selling your book isn’t going to be easy.Blogging Coach (1)

In fact, it just might be one of the most difficult challenges you ever tackle as an author.

Luckily, as writers, we have a secret weapon up our sleeves that most marketers would absolutely kill to have; our writing skills give us the ability to blog extremely effectively.

Blogging is THE KEY component of a four part book marketing strategy:

  1. Audience attraction via blogging and guest blogging.
  2. Enticement onto your email list via a valuable free offer.
  3. Relationship development with your audience via delivery of value over time.
  4. Sale of your book to your audience once trust and value has been established.

Just reading these four steps probably brings dozens of questions to mind:

What do I blog about?

How to I secure guest blogging opportunities on a big site?

How do I build my email list?

What should my free offer be?

How do I develop trust and deliver long-term value to my audience?

These aren’t easy questions to answer, which is why I decided to spend last weekend working my butt off to do you, my blog readers, a serious solid.

Blogging CoachYou see, I’ve contacted Jenna Dalton, one of the internet’s premier blogging coaches, and she has agreed to join me on a webinar this week to teach you, totally for free, all about book marketing via blogging, guest blogging, and list building!

Need help getting your novel written quickly and efficiently? I’m your man.

But when it comes to growing an audience via a blog, Jenna Dalton is the #1 expert you want to be learning from.

So don’t miss this opportunity!


Register to attend the webinar here.

I’m totally stoked to see what Jenna is going to share, and I know you will be too!

Oh, and remember when I promised to tell you the exact day you need to start marketing your book?

Well, that day was yesterday.

That's why attending this webinar is so important to your career as an author. Even if your book won’t be published for years, you need to start marketing today.

Join us on the webinar, so that Jenna can teach you how to build an audience of raving fans who will happily snap up your book upon publication!

Need help marketing your book and author brand via blogging, guest blogging, and list building? Join writing coach Kevin T. Johns and blogging coach Jenna Dalton for a free webinar this week where you'll discover how to grow an email list of 1000+ raving fans (so that you can get published and boost book sales).