Nikól Peterman on Letting Go of What’s Holding You Back — The Writing Coach 081

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors who help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode #81 of The Writing Coach podcast, I speak with artist success coach Nikól Peterman of Zen Red NYC. Nikól is a certified empowerment…

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The Role Belief Plays in Winning NaNoWriMo

The first step to achieving any kind of success in life is embracing the belief that achieving the goal you have set for yourself is actually possible. In The Miracle Morning for Writers, author Hal Elrod describes this mindset as a state of “unwavering faith,” and he argues that it’s a key component to achieving greatness. What…

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Platform Building and Book Marketing Tips — The Writing Coach 080

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors who help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode #80 of The Writing Coach podcast, I answer some important questions about author platform building and book marketing. This week one of my…

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The Importance of Staying Nimble: NaNoWriMo, The Miracle Morning… and Cat Poo

I recently joined Self-Made Man, a membership site providing video training focused on health, relationships, and business. One of the courses contained in the site is hosted by Hal Elrod, author of the book The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits that Will Transform Your Life Before 8 am. After a near death experience, Elrond decided to…

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Chris Well on Author Publicity and Media Outreach — The Writing Coach 079

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors who help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode #79 of The Writing Coach podcast, I speak with publicity coach and founder of the Build Your Brand Academy Chris Well. Chris is a media…

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Lauren Sapala, INFJ Writing Coach — The Writing Coach 078

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors who help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode #78 of The Writing Coach podcast, I speak with Lauren Sapala. Lauren is the author of The INFJ Writer, a guide for sensitive intuitive…

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4 Options for What to Do with Editorial Feedback

At some point during the book development process, you’re going to receive editorial feedback. Whether it’s feedback from an agent, editor, critique partner, or writing coach, someone with experience and/or perspective is going to provide you with advice about how to improve your work. What you choose to do with that advice is up to…

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The World Doesn’t Need Your Book

When aspiring authors ask writing coaches and successful creatives advice on how to get motivated and break through blocks, the response is inevitably the inspiring reassurance: “The world needs your book.” This is, of course, not just a platitude, but straight-up bullshit. The world doesn’t need your book. The world has enough books. Think of the people…

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The Secret Trick to Dramatically Improving Your Scenes

When I interviewed Shawn Coyne, author of The Story Grid, for one of the earliest episodes of The Writing Coach podcast, he stressed one of the most important skills a writer must master is how to craft a great scene. I agree with Coyne. In fact, one of the best pieces of writer’s craft advice…

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4 Awesome Ways to Ensure You Celebrate Small Wins While Writing a Book

At your day job, you’ve probably spent long hours working to complete a project or implement a new process only to have your boss and colleagues completely fail to notice the effort you put in. Or maybe you’ve made major body composition changes by following a strict diet and a focused exercise program, only to…

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