Ron Vitale on the Challenges of Independent Publishing — The Writing Coach 040

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 40 of The Writing Coach, I speak with author Ron Vitale. Ron is the author of Cinderella’s Secret Witch Diaries and A Witch’s Coven…

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Joan Dempsey on Revising with Confidence – The Writing Coach 038

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 38 of The Writing Coach, I speak with Joan Dempsey. Joan Dempsey, author of the forthcoming novel This Is How It…

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Rachel Smets on Awakening Your Confidence – The Writing Coach 037

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 37 of The Writing Coach, I speak with Rachel Smets. Rachel is an author, speaker, and personal confidence coach dedicated to…

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Shauta Grimes on Becoming a Ninja Writer – The Writing Coach 036

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 36 of The Writing Coach, I speak with Shaunta Grimes. Shaunta has worked as a substitute teacher, a newspaper reporter, a…

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Karen Dimmick on Mind Hacks for Writers – The Writing Coach 035

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 35 of The Writing Coach, I speak with Karen Dimmick. Karen is a writer, reader, world-traveller, eternal student and passionate observer…

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Susan Friedmann on How to Monetize Your Book – The Writing Coach 034

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 34 of The Writing Coach, I speak with Susan Friedmann. Susan is a Certified Speaking Professional and a veteran business and niche marketing…

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5 Reasons You Failed to Win National Novel Writing Month (and What to Do about It)

To listen to this blog post in audio format, click the play button below: National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) has come to a close for another year. A fraction of the writers (around 14%) who participated reached their goal of writing 50,000 words in 30 days. The vast majority of writers (the other 86%) failed…

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Talking Ghostwriting on the Book Marketing Mentors Podcast

I’m the featured guest in the latest episode of the Book Marketing Mentors podcast. I had a wonderful time chatting with host Susan Friedmann. We talked all about how best to work with a ghostwriter. If you have ever wondered about what a ghostwriter does, you won’t want to miss this episode! Listen here!  

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Reedsy Live – Training Video and Transcript

Reedsy is a very cool community that connects authors with freelance editors and designers. Earlier this month, I was invited to host a live training session on Reedsy’s Facebook page. I took the opportunity to talk about the importance of, and how to go about creating, a regular writing habit. Live streaming is always fun, and…

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Life Will Always Get in the Way (& that’s Okay!)

As I type this, we’re one week into National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). If you’re lucky, things went great for you during this first week and you’re on-track to achieving your NaNo goals. For a vast majority of people, however, something happened that served as a set-back. If you’re in this later group, right now…

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