Megan Linski on Editing (My Book) – The Writing Coach 027

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. Megan Linski is the owner of Gryfyn Publishing and the author of almost 20 books(!!!). She’s also a freelance editor. MY editor to be…

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Intro to Microsoft Word Styles for Authors (Video)

Lets face it: MS Word was NOT built with authors writing long manuscripts in mind. None-the-less, many of us use it to write our books and novels (myself included!). If you are going to be writing a manuscript in Word, learning to use the cool feature known as “Styles” is essential. In the following video,…

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Book Publishing is About More than Just Money

Bryan Collins of Become a Writer Today recently included me (along with other big writers like K. M. Weiland, James Scott Bell, and Robert McKee) in an awesome infographic: 11 Top Writers on their Greatest Writing Challenges and How they Overcome their Demons. In addition to being a “top writer”, I’m also a writing coach. I’ve worked with hundreds…

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How to Turn Any Ebook into an Audiobook

I’m a huge fan of audiobooks. I spend two hours a day commuting to and from my day job, and audiobooks allow me to turn that otherwise wasted transit time into productive reading time. I try to cycle between a fiction book, a book on business, and a book on writer’s craft. Unfortunately, not every…

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4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of An Online Summit

Online live-streaming technology continues to improve. As a result, more and more online summits are taking place, including summits focused on the world of writing and publishing. In June of 2016 alone, both Chandler Bolt’s Self-Publishing Summit and Jesse Krieger’s Book, Branding and Business Building Summit brought together dozens of writing and publishing experts. If you…

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Ani Alexander on Being a Brand Architect – The Writing Coach 026

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. Ani Alexander is an author, brand coach, and the host of the popular podcast, Write to be Read, which she hosted for over…

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Joanna Wiebe on Copy Hacking – The Writing Coach 025

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 25 of The Writing Coach, I speak with copywriter and author Joanna Wiebe. Joanna is the brilliant mind behind Copy Hackers,…

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How to Get Featured by Your Alma Mater

I was recently featured in the article, Student Storytellers: Creative Writing and the English Department at Carleton University, alongside other Carleton University alumni who launched author careers after graduation. As an author, getting featured by your alma mater can be a great marketing boost for your books and your author career. Universities have a level of authority and…

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Using Kindle Percentages to Help Revise Your Manuscript

This week I created an ebook version of my current work-in-progress to send to Beta readers. While reviewing the ebook in Kindle, I noticed the percent reading down in the corner of the page. This led to a realization regarding how I can use those percentages to aid in the revision of my book, and…

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Why I’m Self-Publishing My Next Book

I’ve decided to self-publish my upcoming novel, M School. This will be my sixth self-published book. You might think the decision to go indie yet again was an easy one. It wasn’t. I seriously considered seeking an agent and publisher for this novel. Having gone the self-published route in the past, I’m going in with…

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