8 Simple Ways to Beef Up a Lean Manuscript (Without Adding Filler or Fluff)
You’ve completed the first draft of your novel and it has come in at around 50K words. But you were shooting for 80K. Now what? How do you beef up a lean manuscript? Where do you find 30,000 more words without just adding filler or fluff? Despair not my friend! Here’s 8 simple methods for…
Online Marketing for Busy Authors with Fauzia Burke – The Writing Coach 023
Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 23 of The Writing Coach, I speak with author and book marketing expert Fauzia Burke. Fauzia has spent her entire professional…
How to Pivot with Jenny Blake – The Writing Coach 022
Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 22 of The Writing Coach, I speak with author Jenny Blake. Jenny is a speaker, career coach, author and business strategist…
It depends…
There are a lot of “rules” when it comes to good writing. As a writing coach, I get asked questions about these rules a lot. “Should I cut my book’s prologue?” “Should I always avoid adverbs?” “Should all my sentences be in active voice?” “Should I never edit while drafting?” Here is the reality folks:…
What Writers Can Learn from the ‘Full House’ Revival
Last night Netflix launched the Full House revival, Fuller House. My wife, my three daughters, and I sat down to binge watch as many episodes as we could, and we had an absolute blast. It appears, however, the critics did not enjoy the show nearly as much as my family did. The critical consensus is…
(Video) The Page Turners: Economy of Fear Author Interview
The following interview was originally included as part of The Page Turners: Economy of Fear bonus package for people who pre-ordered the book back in the Spring of 2015. Now that the book has been out for almost a year, I thought I’d make the video available to all. Enjoy! You can grab your copy…
The Futility of Direct Response Book Marketing via Twitter
Are you wasting your time trying to sell books on Twitter? I strongly suspect you are. That said, a unique opportunity has arisen whereby I can test my theory. An affiliate marketer recently started promoting my book, The Page Turners: Economy of Fear on his Twitter feed. It’s my book, so I have access to…
Sinus Infection Blues, or How NOT to be a Productive Writer
I’ve done virtually no work for the last four days. I’ve had to postpone calls with clients, none of the manuscripts I’m working on have moved forward, and I haven’t yet started to create the webinar I am supposed to host three days from now. Most of the last four days were spent in bed…
An Introduction to Social Media Marketing for Authors
As an author, you already know that social media needs to be a vital component of your book marketing strategy. But you’re confused about how exactly you’re supposed to use Facebook and Twitter (let alone Pinterest and Snapchap) to sell your books and build an audience. Am I right? If so, I’d like to invite…
What I Read in Q4 (Oct.-Dec. 2015)
Every quarter I like to share with you my reading list. If you’re curious what I read earlier this year, you can check out my posts on Q1, Q2, and Q3. As for Q4, let’s dive right in! (Note: I’ve included affiliate links to all the books below, so if you decide to purchase any of…