The Page Turners: Economy of Fear Book Trailer

Cat & Bean Publishing will be releasing my latest novel, The Page Turners: Economy of Fear, on July 3, 2015. Economy of Fear is the sequel to my hit young adult horror/sci-fi/fantasy mash-up, The Page Turners: Blood. The Page Turners: Blood is about a group of teenage book lovers who, after discovering a book of…
Billy Boyd and the four hundred and thirty takes

The other day I watched the special features disc from the third of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films, The Battle of the Five Armies. It included a featurette on the recording of the film’s closing song, The Last Goodbye, performed by actor and musician Billy Boyd (Pippin from the LOTR trilogy). As identified in the featurette,…
The Page Turners: Economy of Fear Cover Reveal

Oh, boy, I’m so freaking thrilled to finally be able to share with the world the cover to my latest novel, The Page Turners: Economy of Fear: Economy of Fear is the sequel to my young adult horror/sci-fi/fantasy mash-up, The Page Turners. The Page Turners is about a group book-loving teenagers who accidentally release their favourite…
Crack-Daddy Work Ethic with Steve Windsor – The Writing Coach 016

Welcome to The Writing Coach. On this podcast, I speak with the instructors, editors, coaches, and mentors that help writers and authors create their art, build their audience, and sell their work. In episode 16 of The Writing Coach, I speak with author and writing coach Steve Windsor. Amazon Bestselling Author Steve Windsor has been…
Work like a Roofer

I do most of my writing at the dining room table. From where I sit, if I glance up above my laptop’s screen, I can see through a window and across my backyard to the rear of my neighbor’s home. Yesterday, my neighbors were having their roof re-shingled. When I sat down at my computer…
Getting Organized with Deron Bos – The Writing Coach 015

In episode 15 of The Writing Coach, I speak with professional organizer and Apple expert Deron Bos. As the rare man who has passion for both label makers and iPads, Deron is a personal professional organizer and Apple tutor. I am an active member of both the National Association of Professional Organizers. He has…
But can list building work for FICTION authors??

Earlier this week I posted an article, “The EXACT Day You MUST Start Marketing Your Book“, which outlined a simple and yet startlingly effective four-step strategy for marketing your book: 1. Audience attraction via blogging and guest blogging. 2. Enticement onto your email list via a valuable free offer. 3. Relationship development with your audience via delivery…
Why I write for other people’s blogs (and why you should too!)

How would it impact your book sales if every time you wrote a blog post your email subscriber list grew by 100 people? While you think about that, let me tell you about author Scott Bury. I met Scott a couple of years ago at a book conference. We hit it off right away, and around this time…
The EXACT day you MUST start marketing your book

In this post, I’m going to tell you the exact day that you need to start marketing your book. But first, let’s be clear about something: marketing and selling your book isn’t going to be easy. In fact, it just might be one of the most difficult challenges you ever tackle as an author. Luckily,…
Self Publishing School with Chandler Bolt: The Writing Coach 014

In episode 14 of The Writing Coach, I speak with best selling author, speaker and entrepreneur, Chandler Bolt. This is part 2 of an interview that began on the Write Along Radio podcast. Chandler was bit by the entrepreneurial bug at an early age when he saw that he could make a lot more…